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  • That Great Market East Lindfield


    Community market features passionate stallholders selling quality product.

    PHONE: That Great Market East Lindfield Contact phone number 0414 456 302
    ADDRESS: That Great Market East Lindfield Address Map9 Wellington Road
    East Lindfield 2070
    That Great Market East Lindfield directionsDirections by GoogleMaps
    OPEN DAYS: That Great Market East Lindfield Open DaysThird-Sunday
    OPENING HOURS: That Great Market East Lindfield opening hours times10am-3pm

    Our warm and welcoming community market features passionate stallholders selling quality product. Browse the huge choice of stalls, from home and garden wares, to fashion, art, fair trade, organic and artisan products. Enjoy international food choices (undercover seating) music, storytelling, regular attractions. Easy parking, with adjoining children's playground. Creating a funky inner city vibe on the leafy north.